Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tal turns six, gets a new whip...

Talmage T. Simper is now 6 years old, and as such needed, and was deserving of a new bike. Nothing better than getting a new bike. It's like new friend you have to get to know, with a new personality, and unique characteristics, complete with areas of excellence and idiosyncrasies. You don't quite know each other and you're not totally comfortable at first, but that's part of the fun; building the relationship and the memories over time. Getting dinged, and scarred together on countless adventures and over thousands of miles. My bikes have carried me to work, to school, up steep canyon roads, over mountain passes, and on more than one occasion provided me an escape from reality and given a mental recharge. I think of any place in the world, on the bike is where I glean the most mental clarity and spiritual lucidness and find my place in the universe. With friends and bikes alike, I've had a few over the years; some I wish I still had, and some I'm glad to be rid of. But of the two, I think I miss a couple bikes more than the friends that are absent in my life. Nothing against them, it's just that my bikes have consoled and comforted me more than pretty much anything or anyone because of how in tune you can get with yourself whilst spinning your legs for hours on end. So get yourself an unconditional friend that won't shit on your carpet, and build a relationship. To Talmage I say, happy birthday my boy, and have fun with your new friend...

1 comment:

  1. Man I can't believe that you have a six year old!!! Tal is getting so big and cuter everyday... He was precious with Sophie last week what a sweet boy that one is!! I think that you need to get in with a magazine and start writing for a living... I really enjoy reading what you write!! Love ya
